Welcome back to Bodine Guidance!!!
Welcome to Bodine’s Class of 2023, and to all of our returning students. We now have 2 counselors! Ms. Anstotz will primarily be working with our 9th and 10th grades, and I will work with the 11th and 12th.
We have lots of exciting programs and opportunities that await you. Please be sure to use your google classroom, check your school district email often, and stop by our office for up to the minute opportunities, and so we can get to know you and your interests!
Time moves quickly, so we want to always try our best to make good choices along the way, and take advantage of the many resources and partnerships available to us. Staff at school are always willing to help, and don’t forget your parents. Even though you are growing up, it’s always good to keep lines of communication open with your parents and working well! Check in with us any time!
Use the various tabs on the upper right of this site for information. Meanwhile, explore a few sites below:
Philly Goes 2 College website always has great material. Check it out here. Also how about checking out this resource as well.
Keep pushing yourself and working hard toward the brightest future possible.
Yours in counseling,
Mrs. Bassman and Ms. Anstotz