Have spare time on your hand?
Need community service hours?
Have a passion for helping others?
Want to help your city?
Check out this website for diverse community service opportunities! There are opportunities available for all ages. To generate the best results for you, please follow the following steps to find opportunities for teens:
1. Click on the following link https://www.serve.phila.gov
2. Go to the tab that says ” volunteers” and then click on “find an opportunity.”
3. Click the arrows under each category to specify and filter your search results (e.g. ideal for “teens”, by interests “arts & culture”).
4. Then hit the search button to generate a list of opportunities. Be sure to look at the detailed information, including requirements and contact information for each individual opportunity.
Get started right away (remember that you need 100 hours of community service as a graduation requirement)!
AFTER GRADUATING from High School, a volunteer opportunity is:
AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps: This program offers a full-time, 10 month, team based service program full of unique experiences, benefits, and the opportunity to impact the lives of others. See the counselor for additional information.
Browse through these links for job opportunities in your area.
Job Training: