A college offers a collection of degrees in one area, and a university is a collection of colleges, meaning that a university offers a variety of degrees in different areas. For example, if you go to a university you will graduate from one of their colleges.
What is community college?
Community colleges offer associate degrees that are obtained after two years. Community college prepares students to transfer to four year colleges to earn a bachelor’s degree. Most of the time community college is very affordable.
Public Colleges Vs. Private Colleges
Public colleges are funded by the local government and usually offer lower tuition rates comparatively to private colleges. Furthermore, often rates are lower for residents of the state the school is located in. Private colleges get most of their money through tuition, private funding, fees, and donations.
What is a Liberal Arts College?
A college that offers a variety of courses in the liberal arts (literature, languages, mathematics and sciences. A lot of these colleges are private and most of their programs result in receiving a bachelor’s degree.
What is a merit scholarship?
Merit Scholarships- As indicated in the name you must have merit.
Usually you must have extremely good grades, and in most cases, graduate in the top 5-10% of your class to get a scholarship to pay for your schooling. However there are scholarships that reward athletic/artistic excellence. Basically, you have a chance of receiving a scholarship if you excel in all your classes, excel in the class that correlates with the field you plan to study after high school, or if you are highly active in extracurricular activities. All academic scholarships are merit scholarships, but not all merit scholarships are academic scholarships.
How important are test scores to college applications?
Test scores are an important piece to what colleges consider when accepting and declining applicants. However, it is not the only factor that is considered. Each college/university weighs the importance of standardized tests differently. Extracurricular activities, and course grades are other important aspects in college applications. Test scores can be especially important when colleges award merit scholarship awards.
The work you do now is your permanent transcript of work. This means whenever someone asks you for yr transcript, they mean your high school grades. For example let’s say you go on to college and you decide to move on. Most likely their decision will not only be based on how well you’ve done at the current college you attend, but also on the four years you do here. So, keep that gpa up kiddos.
Will you able be able to make up for your freshman year of lackluster grades?
Sure you can! Hey, some colleges even think that you look interesting. Everyone loves an underdog story. Colleges love to see that kid who had a shaky beginning grow into a great scholar. Continuous growth is very attractive. However, if your the kid that has been an academic super star from the beginning, congrats for hitting the pavement running. Your the kid that looks like you know what you want, and the fact that you were able to successfully integrate into high school without a grade slump is impressive.